14 September 2006

bumps in the road

that last post was really just a test, so consider this my first official post. i, perhaps, had intended to wait till i was actually in france to start, but i think it's worth informing cyberspace and the non-descript "persons" reading this so-called "blog".

you should all know that i am NOT flying to Paris today, as originally intended. tuesday the french consulate in atlanta called me to tell me to reschedule my flight, my visa would not be ready in time and i needed to push my departure back a week to be sure that i would have passport in hand. the reason? their computer's not working, and hasn't been for over a week now. as of yesterday afternoon, it still hadn't been fixed. perhaps this is a special computer, perhaps a french one that requires a frenchman to hop over and fix it. and let me tell you, the french aren't exactly speedy. i hope that little cultural judgments either a)disappear, or b)remain because i've become convinced of them. in either case, i don't know why they can't just fix the computer in a city that means business and runs on machines. but i have to wait.

what was my reaction to this news? i have to say i was shocked; in part, i was glad to hear i had some more time to get ready, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. i was also glad to know that i wouldn't be spending 3 days in a hostel by myself in Paris with big bags and nothing to do cause it's the weekend. but at the same time it just feels so odd to not be departing as planned. i feel like a bit of a weenie for wanting the extra time. i'll expound on the weening thing another time.

so now i continue to wait for my visa. and pack. and go visit my uncle in Florida this weekend. and i watched Harry Potter 2 last night. and hopefully get more excited and less stressed/nervous about my little sejour across the seas.


Blogger Whit said...

Andrew! I just saw the comment you left on my blog, having no idea how long it's been there. I was thinking about you the other day and I'm very glad to know you're getting settled in alright over there! So good to hear from you!

8:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a weenie, but not because you're glad to have extra time. you just are.

also, since you had extra time, i think you should've come up to nashville, but i guess it's okay that you didn't. i guess.

3:57 PM


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