13 March 2007

i bike paris

such is the name of a bike tour company here in Paris owned by my two friends Paul and Christian. it's actually "Bike About Tours", but they have new t-shirts brandishing the ibikeparis logo.
what does this have to do with me, you ask? well i'm now the proud of owner of a bicycle. i've heard for the past 5 months that i've been here that seeing Paris on a bike really changes one's perspective. they say the city becomes a lot smaller, and you see a lot of things you've never seen before. so taking their advice, i got in touch with someone advertising on craiglist. it's a couple of college guys who pick up bikes and repair them in their spare time. the bikes aren't impeccable, but i guess their angle is value, selling a decent bike for a good price. (note: bikes in Paris are rather expensive, and the awesome city bikes are even more than mountain bikes, which can be purchased relatively cheaply at sports stores(150€ or more))

as for my bike, it's a baby blue "Mercier", complete with bell on the left handlebar with which i can kindly urge people to get out of my way. there's a light to announce my presence at night, but i think i need a new bulb. there's also a rack on the back complete with hinged clamp that i can use to secure books or whatnot. of course, preventing theft is an issue, as i daily see locks attached to fences but no sign of a bike. had i a courtyard in my apartment building, i'd gladly keep it there, but for now it's on the street, well secured, i hope.

by the next time i write, i'll be on my way to expert knowledge of the city. i just hope to avoid a repeat of my freshman year bike accident...


Blogger Unknown said...

oh yes please avoid that! you might forget momentarily that this beautiful bike belongs to you and someone will run off with it. not to mention that your face will look like ummmmm histologic prostate. you do not want that. i can show you pictures, and they're not pretty.

5:01 PM

Blogger Mysteries of The Orient said...

I can't wait until you come to Beijing and we can ride bikes around together! Now that will be an experience!

4:20 PM

Blogger JaJa said...


5:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

11:29 PM


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